December 12, 2006

I was in the process of writing this article for The Observer news paper, then I decided to submit it to my blog. However, it is not yet finished. So I will continue to add more info. and define more about about what is the faith of Islam. I plan on questioning some people for this article. the details will be posted for viewing.

(Is.Lam \is-‘läm, iz-, -‘lam, is-)

What is Islam? Is the question a lot of people around the world have been asking themselves in the past five years ever since the 9-11 attack on the World Trade center, commonly known as the Twin Towers. When these structures were brought down (to its waist). Since then, there has been a lot of hate crime, animosity and two wars in the Middle East in Afghanistan and Iraq. But, with all the rhetoric, and talk about Muslims, no one seems to offer me a definition of what is a Muslim; so, I went on a search for the truth and the definition of what it is to be a Muslin or supposed to be.

According to the Webster Ninth New College Dictionary published in 1998, BY THE Merriam-Webster Inc. Publisher. Muslim is defined as “Muslim \’mez-lem,’muz-\ n [Ar muslim, lit., one who surrenders (to God)] (1615) 1: an adherent of Islam 2: BLACK MUSLIM”
However the in the recent Webster Dictionary published in (2006 the definition of islam and muslim are………………….
I first started at my home town and my back yard by asking some of the muslin student body about the definition of muslin and continued my quest asking some of the faculty, religious leader and Muslim leader in our community. It was interesting to say the list that I found out that Muslims and non-Muslim alike believe in ………………….


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